Why Hamas' Attacked Israel? - The Real Story

Clarification: These are all my personal speculations. Everything is known and published online, I just connected some dots.

In Short: Despite Hamas' hatred and love of death, the timing and scale of the event stems from the heating up Cold War, unfolding before our eyes. On the big picture level - the usual suspects are at play again: money and power.

Whoever Thinks: The reason for the attack was only immense hatred and prisoner releases doesn't see the big picture. And I'm not talking about Hamas or the Palestinians' picture, but the truly big picture.

According to Foreign Reports: Around 500 Hamas and Islamic Jihad armed men participated in September drills led by former Quds Force officers of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, including General Ismail Qaani, commander of the Quds Force, who oversaw training in person. World intelligence officials claim Iran initiated the attack.

The Wall Street Journal: Quotes senior Hamas and Hezbollah figures reporting the decision was made at an October 2nd Beirut meeting attended by their leaders. An advisor to the Syrian government and a European official provided matching accounts of Iran's involvement.

So it's Iran. But why?

Because despite their monstrous hatred and desire to murder us, Iran's leadership is usually very calculated. Even when they choose direct force, it's strategic. They knew Israel would lose restraint after something so outrageous, pursuing Hamas leaders and seeking its ruin. So why bring disaster upon Gaza?

The answer: because that's exactly what they wanted. Disaster in Gaza.

Whoever finds the explanation "because they are crazy" unsatisfactory needs to follow the money trail. Yes, it's again. Money.

It's always about power and it's always about money. But this time it's much bigger. No, not the millions Qatar transferred to Hamas, not even the money America pays regional countries. Much, much bigger than that - this time it's the biggest money war we've ever known.

Welcome to the end days of the Cold War.

Let's look at the highest level of money: it was and remains energy. Oil and gas. Russia just yesterday declared Hamas is not a terror organization. Isn't that weird? Why would Russia say such a thing? It, that suffers so much from terror? Why stoke the fire against us? What does Russia have to do with the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians?

Now, I'm not saying Russia did this to us. But I'm sure of one thing, and you'll soon understand how simple the math is: the biggest profiteer from this war - could be Russia. And with it, China and Iran.

The largest energy company in the world is owned by the Russian government. This is the largest ever investment in global energy, Putin's baby, built quietly over the last two decades, in partnership with China in the east. Russia constructed a freakish pipeline system from its territory to half the world, and to Europe as well. Yes, to the west. We're talking about a pipeline system that seems fantastical. In just a few short years Russia achieved immense control over Europe's energy, to the point the extent is sometimes inconceivable. Until the Ukraine war, Russia sold around 50% of all of Europe's gas, and was the primary supplier. An absurd statistic by all accounts that dropped to around 20% due to sanctions accompanying Russia's war on Ukraine. One must understand, in Europe gas is not just electricity and stoves, gas is an existential product used to heat homes on freezing snowy days, that provides hot water from the tap.

Gas is life.

Until recently Russia controlled the West by controlling the gas and oil tap. And together with China they penetrated the energy market in the Gulf as well.

The one benefitting greatly from this cooperation with Russia and China is Iran. You know Iran. Just this past July Iran signed a $40 billion gas deal with Russia, adding to the plethora of business between them and with China. Iran sits on the world's second largest gas reserves after Russia, and it needs to sell it to someone. So with Putin's infrastructure, Iran sells gas to... the west. Crazy, right? Sanctions on Iran? Not when you have Russia.

Last year alone Russia raked in a staggering $138 billion just from gas exports and another $218 billion from oil exports, even despite sanctions imposed over its war on Ukraine.

Russia is making a killing off of Europe.

Putin's pipeline is no mere economic project - it's a colonialist infrastructure of power and control. This pipeline turned Russia into a near-monopoly. Putin masterfully built, like a skilled chess player, the smartest thing a superpower could conceive. He's Europe's main gas supplier. He's also the main gas supplier to the rest of the world. In essence, he's the largest gas supplier globally. But he has a special affection for the European pipeline, for a simple reason – he has the West by the balls.

This project was built at record speed over the past 20 years, with the "Nord Stream" pipeline built in just a year and a half, in partnership with European countries, God knows what they were thinking. This happened while America was busy with its Gulf wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq, in the post-September 11 period. You could say America fell asleep on guard duty, and Putin took Europe, and together with China, they are taking the East and the Gulf.

So America, waking up late to this monopoly game, was looking in hindsight for a way to regain its lost control. America's fear was that Russia and China would use this power against the West.

And this fear was confirmed in the Ukraine war when Russia shut off the gas tap to the West, as an ultimatum over Western support for Ukraine, and in addition one of the pipelines from Russia to Germany suffered a strange terrorist attack. And then the "friendship" became a little less friendly when gas prices flew in Europe, to the point where many families lived in the cold because they preferred not to buy expensive gas. Gas and oil prices worldwide jumped 700%. Europe entered an existential panic and countries like India found themselves on the brink of crisis. There is no doubt that this move by Russia prevented a Western attack on it in the Ukraine war. Because how can you attack someone who sells you gas?

America understood that it had to respond to this situation. It cannot be that in any conflict between West and East – Putin will shut off the gas. So it started to thin out Russia's involvement as an energy supplier in Europe. They brought Putin down from 50% to a level of less than 20%. They blocked his pipeline plan and began importing more gas from the US and moving toward clean gas, that doesn't go through Putin's pipes.

In addition, America progressed toward another additional, very large creative solution. If Putin comes to Europe via the north - we will outsmart him and bypass him - from the south.

They gave America's super-ambitious economic project a very friendly name. They called it: "The Abraham Accords". Sound familiar?

It's also peace, of course, it's also a huge economic corridor, but it's also a lot of gas. The vision is to create a territorial continuum of normalized relations starting in India, through the UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel (you know Israel), and from there to Greece, Cyprus, and Europe. If Russia comes from the north – America wants to crush it from the south.

If you will, this is the Russo-Iranian-Chinese front against the Western-Sunni-Israeli front. The game of thrones - is upon us.

Pay attention to the diagram I attached. Above is Russia's insane pipeline system, below, the peace corridor, as presented by Netanyahu himself in his celebratory speech on September 9 this year, a month before the attack on the outskirts, which I also attached as a video.

One piece of the puzzle remains - Saudi Arabia and Israel do not have official relations.

No story. Saudi Arabia itself is looking for a solution to export oil and gas from the region. Saudi Arabia is also threatened by the Iranian nuclear program, and the rapprochement of the Shiite enemy with China.

So we'll make "peace". Easy. Everyone will profit - Sunni Saudi Arabia will sell oil and gas to the West, goods will come from India and bypass China, Saudi Arabia will also compete with hated Shiite Iran, and it will gain a military alliance with America and Israel. In fact, America is coming with a strategy to bypass Russia-China and bypass Iran - a route of goods and energy from its Sunni Arab friends in the southern Gulf that will compete with Russia and the Shiites in the north. Saudi Arabia also imagines that it will get approval for atomic energy from the US, I doubt anyone would dare. But who knows.

And indeed, over the summer everything gained momentum as Biden and Netanyahu began talking about historic peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia. And then on September 9, as part of the G20 conference, Biden announced his own mega-psychotic plan: the "Peace Train".

Not just any train, not just any peace – "a very big deal, changing the regional rules of the game", Biden's words.

It's about a high-speed, advanced train that will carry goods between the countries of the Abraham Accords peace axis, from India to Europe. A wonderful vision in and of itself. But this train, with all the peace etc., hides one more important goal under the tracks and humanistic vision – you get it already... a gas pipeline. Oil and raw gas will be transported by train, and gas, advanced clean gas by pipeline.

You are invited to watch the video I attached here from the ILTV channel dated September 9 this year, and pay attention to the words of Ursula Gertrude von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, who says there explicitly the words: "pipeline of clean gas", she tries not to emphasize it too much, but everyone understands what this is about. It should be said that "clean gas" means hydrogen gas, which is more environmentally friendly and efficient for use, which is not in Russia's pipelines. In simple words: an upgraded gas pipeline that will turn Putin's pipeline into an antique.

Biden will have a bigger pipeline.

And this train-pipeline from India also connects to the pipeline Netanyahu agreed with the leaders of Greece and Cyprus in January 2020. The “EastMed” pipeline will be the longest in the world between Israel and Greece, and from there to Italy.

And Saudi Arabia? It so desperately needs this new alliance, in order to thwart hated Iran and bypass the Russian-Chinese monopoly, also of goods, toward Europe. To the point that at the G20 conference the Saudi crown prince announced that his country would invest around $20 billion in the project - even before a peace agreement with Israel is signed. In other words, for it, peace is a done deal. What could possibly interfere?

America directly threatened Putin and China’s queen with huh in her ear.

It is clear to all that such a train-pipeline would be a disaster for Russia and China. And if it is a disaster for them, it is also a disaster for Iran, because it strengthens its hated Sunni enemies from the south, and connects them to its Zionist hatred from the west.

For Iran, an alliance between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Israel is an unimaginable disaster. It connects Saudi Arabia to Israel's military might, and Israel to Saudi Arabia's economic might. And it places Saudi Arabia and Israel as key players in the global energy market. This is a huge fuckup.

On the other hand, from Saudi Arabia's point of view, Iran is a hated Shiite enemy, and it also has a nuclear bomb.

So how do you torpedo the new front?

Easy: Murder the peace.

Where? In Gaza.

A few days later, the Hamasniks were already training in Iran, and 3 weeks after the announcement the meeting with Hezbollah and Hamas took place and the operation to thwart peace went underway. Everything happens in September, the Jewish High Holidays.

On October 3rd, four days before the attack, Khamenei was quoted criticizing Saudi Arabia over the peace plan, and he concludes his words with a blunt statement: This will not happen.

Iran chose Hamas, and not for no reason. Hamas are Sunnis, like Saudi Arabia, and they are beloved by the public in Saudi Arabia. We think this is all about a war to liberate some occupation or deep religious agenda, but at the end of the day, it's money.

For Hamas to gore Israel is a commandment, to free prisoners, to give a sense of victory. But for Iran? They don't really care about the small Sunni organization that took over Gaza. On the contrary, Shiites hate Sunnis so much that some say Jews are hated by them even less. It's hatred on a DNA level. Hatred that is described in the famous quote, "Of all Allah's creations the dog is the most unclean, but an Arab Sunni is worse than a dog."

Iran could have chosen Hezbollah to start a war and that might have been an even bigger success. But Hezbollah is the real child of Iran, a Shiite religious organization, which it is committed to protecting. But Hamas, the Sunni "dog", which is also "Arab riffraff" can be sacrificed on the altar of the pipeline. Mohammad Def is dumb enough to think Iran cares about the Gazans, and he flowed like gas in Russia and China's pipelines.

But in order to torpedo such a significant peace agreement, a small attack in Dizengoff won't do, which will just lead to another pillar of smoke from which peace and Biden's train can be rebuilt. Something substantial is needed, big, that will echo across the Arab world, until Saudi Arabia can no longer even think of such a peace. Something that will last for years is needed. Israel needs to go crazy, Israel needs to get so angry that even Biden won't be able to stop it. A mega-attack that cannot be forgotten is needed, September 11th is needed. War is needed.

And so this disgusting thing that happened on the outskirts got underway. Not in the name of the Shiite religious war against the Zionist occupier, but in the name of money. Not the Gaza war - the gas war.

But surprise!

Saudi Arabia is not rushing to cancel the peace. Because until Saudi Arabia declares that peace is canceled - the major goal has not been achieved.

Note that the Saudis are quite silent. Crushing their brothers in Gaza and they are forgiving, trying to keep some door open to peace with Israel and the huge project that is so important to them. It is likely that we will see attempts by Russia, China and Iran to escalate the war, prolong it, with all sorts of games of slow-drip kidnappings, and a well-organized and well-funded global protest, until it affects Saudi Arabia.

Personally, I hope that both Saudi Arabia and Israel will be wise and strong enough not to fall into this trap. This peace is a hysterical quantum leap for Israel, even though we know it will bring with it quite a few troubles.

A few anecdotes:

- The psychotic madness of Hamas and the accompanying Azzatis has nothing to do with the big picture. They are wretched, murderous souls who have given the devil within them freedom to murder and rape us, and they need to be eliminated. Completely. Total annihilation.

At the same time, the big picture must also be understood. Because from the moment Israel entered the arena of the global energy war, and became a major player - it's an entirely new story. We are now a significant player in the new Cold War.

Israel is not only a central junction between tectonic plates. It is also a central junction between giant powers. And this will only increase as peace strengthens and the rail-pipeline gets underway. And I hope it eventually does get underway.

Hezbollah, at least for now, is in no hurry to enter the war, and not for no reason. Their interest is for the war between Hamas to only escalate and for the attention of the Sunni world, whose epicenter is in Saudi Arabia, to be focused mainly on crushing Sunnis. They fire an anti-tank missile here and there, but that's just lip service, no more. There's a limit to how much they're willing to sacrifice for the Arab Sunni Hamas.

Russia has come out against Israel publicly. So has China. Presumably, their current interest is for Israel to be portrayed as an evil entity in order to distance the peace agreement with Saudi Arabia as much as possible. Russia and China are the main beneficiaries of the crisis. Unambiguously. It also confuses America here and distances the West from Ukraine.

The UAE, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia are rather quiet. Everyone already understands that the peace project is in danger of crashing, but they keep hope in their hearts for its existence. I hope they don't lose their sanity and maintain this important peace.

The US has arrived here like never before. The aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford to Israel and another to the Gulf. Biden is sitting in the Israeli cabinet, what?! Why? What changed tonight? After all, it's Israel against a terrorist organization again. What huge, enormous, tremendous interest does it have to protect this time? Is there some rail-pipeline under threat? Understand, this is the biggest project currently between the US and Russia and China. In the dimensions of the Cold War - it's bigger than missiles in Cuba.

All of Europe is behind Israel without hesitation. The world is divided into West vs East. Everyone already understands what's going on here, it's just us telling ourselves that this is Israel against the Palestinians and that's it. Europe will be happy to break free of the choking grip of the Russia-China front.

If you didn't understand what Russia wanted from Ukraine, now you know more. Their oil and gas, and especially their territory through which a significant part of Russia's old pipeline to Europe passes. There to the story is supposedly terror.

It is very possible that the great clash between Saudi Arabia and Iran is still ahead of us. What is certain is that as long as Biden's peace project continues, we will see more and more sabotage attempts by Russia and Iran against it. The rail-pipeline, once it starts being laid, is also going to suffer from "terror" attacks along its entire length. Therefore, there is a long story ahead of us - that has only just begun.

The Abraham Accords are presented as some tremendous achievement of the great statesman Netanyahu. Come on, this is a huge economic project of America. It initiated, it sewed together, all for the sake of a route circumventing Russia-China, we are just another part of the Cold War puzzle. It's sad that the victims had to pay for the power schemes of the superpowers.

It seems that no one in the world really cares about the Palestinians and their terror organizations. They are just another tool in the toolbox of the Cold War.

At the same time, it's clear to me that if Iran feels, one day, that it can conquer Israel, it will try to do so. This is already an ancient religious messianic dream that is beyond any other rationale. And there may be those bigger than it who might help it.

That's it, that was long, huh?

You're starting to understand the big story?

In the end, it's about who has the bigger pipeline.

Sources: Publications in media bodies from Israel and abroad, and Wikipedia. I didn't make up anything, just connected the dots.